Saturday, August 2, 2008


And if you go chasing rabbits
and you know you're going to fall…
Recall Alice
when she was just small.
- white rabbit ( Jefferson airplane)

Legend says that few thousand years ago Icarus learned to fly. His wings made him think that reaching the sun was just a game of patience and ambition. The legend goes on to say that the intense heat caused, the wax that knit the feathers together to melt. In the process Icarus `s wings were dismantled and he suffered a freefall to death. Unfortunate!

Where are we actually heading to? We have heard great men repeat time and again that patience and ambition can take one to wonderland …agreed. However with due respect to all these great beings may I ask a few elementary questions - what is this wonderland all about? What happens there? Do parallel lines meet? Out there, is there a meaning to all expressions which we rate undefined in our land? Can anyone guarantee that my journey to wonderland won’t guide me to another freefall?

If I am convinced I won’t have a problem chasing rabbits forever. I won’t mind forever investing my today for an outstanding tomorrow. In fact I would readily join the mainstream and preach the doctrine of “today’s pain = tomorrows gain” … till then I shun all advice harping the theme of patience and ambition.

For the time being, I would not repent pausing a while to smell the rain. I would wait all summer long for those shining liquid arrows to kiss me feverishly. I am prepared to swap all my tags for the sake of Lucy or Laura. Sounds like a losers alibi? Honestly speaking I am not the only one, and someday you’ll join us and the world will be one.

I’m sorry. This bit of copy paste imagination was unintentional. It somehow just crept in… some realizations keep on repeating age after age. After all it’s just a global déjà vu game.

It is obvious that the best process to extract the best out oneself is to give up some age old notions (or rather habits). I don’t want to sound like a maverick but I sincerely believe that these habits which somehow intruded into our eco system ecosystem are sufficient enough to reduce a tambourine man to a commoner. These habits make us yearn for a common man’s life when actually we can all script our own nemesis. These habits tell us to crowd on the same road, dusty with footsteps. We are made to believe that this road is the safest shortcut to nirvana.
What if there is a way through the woods that would also reach us to this coveted wonderland? In this case there would not be any mile stone to guide us. No great men would care to whisper inspirations … yet I’m sure that the journey would fascinate us even if realization occurs that ‘wonderland’ is an age old myth…

Why not give it a try, by chasing a different rabbit?